Working with OLE 1 Servers

This section describes some of the known idiosyncrasies of embedding or linking OLE 1 objects.

As with OLE 2 objects, either the IPersistStorage::InitNewJMGO9D method or the IPersistStorage::Load5V6EFR method must be called to properly initialize a newly instantiated OLE 1 object before any other OLE calls are made. The InitNew method should be called to initialize a newly created object; the Load method should be called for existing objects. If one of the OleCreate8VSC_N helper functions or the OleLoadIJ4AB_ function is being used, these functions make the IPersistStorage call, eliminating the need to make the call directly. When an OLE 2 container with an OLE 1 embedded or linked object calls the IDataObject::GetData81EL5_ method or the IDataObject::GetDataHere3OHMFJE method, the container can anticipate support for a smaller set of formats and storage mediums than would be supported for an OLE 2 object. The following table lists the combinations that can be supported.

Tymed Formats

Data Formats






cfNative, CF_DIB, and other OLE 1 server formats


For the aspect value of DVASPECT_ICON, only TYMED_MFPICT with CF_METAFILEPICT is supported. The icon returned from the IDataObject::GetData81EL5_ or IDataObject::GetDataHere3OHMFJE call will always be the first icon (index 0) in the executable object application.

Several methods typically called by containers have unique implementations for OLE 1. The IPersistStorage::IsDirtyOH.SHF method is defined to return S_OK if the object has changed since its last save to persistent storage; S_FALSE if it has not changed. When an OLE 2 container with an OLE 1 embedded object calls the IPersistStorage::IsDirty method, the compatibility code always returns S_OK when the server is running, because there is no way to determine if the object has in fact changed until the File Close or File Update command is selected. S_FALSE is returned when the server is not running.

An OLE 2 implementation of IOleObject::IsUpToDate2149ZI3 can return either S_OK if the object is up-to-date, S_FALSE if it is not up-to-date, or OLE_E_UNAVAILABLE if the object cannot determine whether it is up-to-date. The OLE 1 implementation always returns either E_NOT_RUNNING, if the object is in the loaded state, or S_FALSE, if the server is running.

The OLE 1 implementation of the IOleItemContainer::EnumObjects method always returns OLE_E_NOTSUPPORTED because it is not possible for an OLE 1 server to enumerate its objects.

The IOleObject::CloseAY9NYV method takes a save option as a parameter that indicates whether the object should be saved before the close occurs. For OLE 2 objects, there are three possible save options: OLECLOSE_SAVEIFDIRTY, OLECLOSE_NOSAVE, and OLECLOSE_PROMPTSAVE. The OLE 1 implementation of the IOleObject::Close method treats OLECLOSE_PROMPTSAVE as equivalent to OLECLOSE_SAVEIFDIRTY, because it is not possible to require an OLE 1 server to prompt the user.

OLE 2 containers cannot expect an OLE 1 object to activate in-place; all OLE 1 objects support activation in a separate, open window.

OLE 1 servers do not support linking to their embedded objects. It is up to OLE 2 containers with OLE 1 embedded objects to prevent a possible link from occurring. Containers can call the CoIsOle1ClassF8RPN0 function to determine at Clipboard copy time if a data selection being copied is an OLE 1 object. If the CoIsOle1Class function returns TRUE, indicating that the selection is an OLE 1 object, the container should not offer the Link Source format. Link Source must be available for a linked object to be created.

OLE 2 containers can store multiple presentations for an OLE 1 object. However, only the first presentation format is sent to the container when the OLE 1 server closes. After that, the server is in the process of closing down and cannot honor requests for any more formats. Therefore, only the first presentation cache will be updated. The rest will be out of date (perhaps blank) if the object has changed since the last update.

Because OLE 1 servers do not update the cache for every change to an embedded object until the user selects the File Update command, an OLE 2 container may not be obtaining the latest data from the server. By calling the IOleObject::Update1DWTHC method, the container can obtain the latest object data.

An OLE 1 embedded (not linked) object does not notify its container that its data has changed until the user chooses File Update or File Close. Therefore, if an OLE 2 container registers for a data-change notification on an OLE 2 object in a particular format, it should be aware that it will not be notified immediately when the data changes.

When an OLE 1 object is inserted into a container document and then closed without an update being invoked, the container document is not saved. Neither are the correct streams for the object written into storage. Any subsequent loading of the object by the container will fail. To protect against this, containers can keep data available after the object closes without updating by implementing the following:

OleCreate();             \\ to insert the object

OleRun();                \\ if OLERENDER_NONE was specified

IOleObject::Update();    \\ to get snapshot of data

